The 12 Best Landing Pages of 2019, According to Us and You!

January 20, 2025

2019 is coming to a close (or if you're reading this in 2020, it already has). That means its time to look back on the previous year, and at some of the top landing pages that have inspired us. Which pages did we like the most and, more importantly, which ones did you like the most?

Over the course of 2019, we've collected a lot of new landing pages on Landingfolio for you to get inspired by. 142 of them to be exact. Wow. And that's not even mentioning all the other things we've added this year like templates, page components and resources.

With so many landing pages though, there are naturally going to be some that are better than others. Now I bet you're wondering, which ones were truly good? What were the absolute best landing pages of 2019?

I'm glad you asked. In this blog, we'll be taking a look at what the top landing pages of 2019 were. According to who? According to you!...and me, but moreso you! I'll show you my favorites, but I'll also cover the landing pages you guys loved the most!

I'm excited, I bet you're excited, so let's get right into it!

Our Favorite Landing Pages

Let's kick things off with our personal favorites. These are the top landing pages that stood out the most to me and the Landingfolio team over the last year.

1. Ghost Members

Ghost Members Best Landing Pages 2019

Ghost Members has all of the guidelines, best practices and tricks for a great landing page down perfectly. I love this landing page so much that when I first saw it, I had wrote a whole Twitter thread about it just to sing my praises. (Btw, you can follow me on Twitter for cool landing page design tidbits, just saying πŸ™ˆ)

Apart from the general graphical design, the illustrations and the layout being fantastic, Ghost Members sets itself apart through its fantastic structure and how well it utilizes it. Go over the page and you'll see it. They clearly and directly state what they do, then they emphasize the problem, then they highlight the solution they offer, then they explain how to get this solution, and finally they offer it direclty to you with a big bold call-to-action.

"Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."

  • βœ” Perfectly structured page; all elements are in the right place

  • βœ” Fantastic use of motivating copy and progression in information

  • βœ” Clear, easy-to-use and pleasant visual design

  • Γ— The call-to-action only shows up at the very top and very bottom. An extra one couldn't hurt.

2. Siftnewstherapy

Siftnewstherapy Best Landing Pages 2019

Wow! Sift has quite the eyecatcher on their hands here, don't they? That's exactly why they're here as one of my favorites from this year. The landing page Siftnewstherapy has a wonderfully unique design. I can't think of any landing page that looks quite like it. The colors, artwork and soft transitions make the page feel very pleasant to scroll through; exactly as intended.

Despite the unique design however, they haven't lost a single bit of functionality. Way too often I've seen landing pages that try so hard to be unique that they become frustrating to use, but Siftnewstherapy balances it perfectly.

  • βœ” Very unique, pleasant graphical design

  • βœ” Straightforward, direct presentation of information

  • βœ” Call-to-action is permanently visible

  • Γ— The use of two main design colors means you can't use it to highlight important page elements, like calls-to-action.

3. Airtable

Airtable Best Landing Pages 2019

Airtable has actually changed their page's design since we featured it on Landingfolio. The new page is great too, but these are the moments that make me glad Landingfolio keeps screenshots of older designs to be inspired by too πŸ˜‰.

Airtable's landing page stands out through its really strong use of visual storytelling. The page doesn't have as lot of words or copy for you to read, but because of its strong visual design it doens't really need it. The handful of visuals and short descriptions they have are enough to make clear what you're in for, which is not easy to accomplish and impressively done.

  • βœ” Strong visual storytelling

  • βœ” All information presented is clear, direct and to-the-point

  • Γ— The simplistic design, while accessible and easy to navigate, doesn't stand out a lot and isn't very memorable

4. Simform

Simform Best Landing Pages 2019

Simform's unique design style immediately stands out as you scroll over their page. It's clear they have a very talented designer on their team. The style is colorful, but not overwhelming. The elements are big, but not in-your-face. The animations engage the user without distracting them. This designer knows what's up.

What really sets this page apart for me though is its fantastic use of storytelling. On their landing page, Simform takes you through their story. The copy and different aspects flow together beautifully to form a consistent story that engages you in their product. This is a slippery slope to walk (it can easily become too company-focused and irrelevant for users), but Simform walks the line beautifully.

  • βœ” Fantastic use of storytelling

  • βœ” Great use of varied colors and animations, without being overwhelming

  • Γ— For such a visually strong page, it could be more instantly engaging and unique above the fold

The Most Viewed Landing Pages

You guys are what make Landingfolio what it is, so it's time to celebrate that! Below are the four landing pages you guys viewed the most in 2019.

1. Remedy8

Remedy8 Best Landing Pages 2019

At number one we have Remedy8, and I completely see why. Remedy8's page is a beautiful example of designing a page centered around one singular color. The cool color and wavy pattern give this page a calming feeling that emphasizes the core purpose of the app really well. Also notice how much the call-to-action stands out in the screenshot above, just like it should.

  • βœ” The color and rounded design create exactly the desired feeling

  • βœ” Contrasting color is used well to create focus on the CTA

  • Γ— The text, visuals, etc. are a bit on the small side, which makes them harder to read and see

2. Roger

Roger Best Landing Pages 2019

Roger has also changed their landing page design significantly since they were featured on Landingfolio. Thank god for screenshots :)

What strikes me about Roger's landing page is the transition from the hero to the information below it (the bottom four elements in the picture above). It uses a steep diagonal line, which makes the hero bleed into the information below. The diagonal line naturally guides people from the hero image to their explanation, which is good for engagement and clarity. Such a simple design choice, but so effective!

  • βœ” The background design and use of color create a natural path through the page

  • βœ” The green call-to-action stands out and expresses positivity

  • Γ— Overall, while the design is solid, it's not very unique

3. Startup 3

Startup 3 Best Landing Pages 2019

If you were to scroll through Landingfolio, Startup 3 would immediately jump out from the rest. Look at that watercolor! I want a T-shirt of that! Thankfully, they also know exactly where to use it and how much to use it so that it doesn't become distracting or overwhelming.

On top of that, all of the different blocks are very clearly divided through differently backgrounds and styling, which make the page very easy to digest and sort. Add to that some wonderful use of product images and headers that are perfectly to-the-point, and you've got an absolute winner on your hands.

  • βœ” Unique, standout color design, that doesn't distract from the content

  • βœ” Headers are very direct, specific and to-the-point

  • βœ” Hard splits between different subjects work with the graphic design and make scanning the page easier

  • Γ— Sometimes the hard splits between the blocks hinder the natural flow through the page; I feel like the page has ended, but it still continues

4. Freetrade

Freetrade Best Landing Pages 2019

Initially I was impressed by Freetrade's position because at first sight, it doesn't look that unique or impressive. However, as I thought about it, I realised that that may be its strength. Freetrade is no-nonse and clear. Simple, zero-fee investing. Bam, easy as that. The minimalistic design means it's borderline impossible for you to miss what they want to say. It just goes to show you, sometimes less indeed is more.

  • βœ” The page is very clear and to-the-point

  • βœ” The secondary signup field under the primary calls-to-action is in a strong position, without distracting from the primary CTA

  • Γ— At times it may be a bit too minimalistic. A bit more elaboration or visual flair couldn't hurt

The Most Liked Landing Pages

Finally, I wanted to take a look at the most liked landing pages. In case you don't know, if you have an account on Landingfolio you can hit the "Save" button near landing pages to save them. This allows you to easily find them back in your account, and it allows others to see which pages other members of the Landingfolio family like.

On top of that, it also allows me to see what you guys like to see on Landingfolio, and you bet I'm taking note! Without further ado, let's get into your top four most liked landing pages from 2019!

1. Readme

Readme Best Landing Pages 2019

Saved 31 times

The first thing I noticed when I landed on Readme's landing page, is how their product image morphs into different sites. That's not only very effective at displaying the value of your product, but it also looks cool!

Beyond that, Readme is a very solidly designed site. I find the page very pleasant to look at. The soft colours and round shapes create a sense of fun and comfort, which is really effective. It makes me enjoy this brand without having even tried their product.

  • βœ” Product image is both clear and uniquely done

  • βœ” The design style is visually appealing and pleasant to look at

  • Γ— At the bottom, the page links to two different pages. It'd be better if the necessary information relating to this was displayed on the current page

2. Freetrade

Freetrade Best Landing Pages 2019

Saved 27 times

Hey, doesn't that look a little familiar to you? Yep, Freetrade made the list twice! The Landingfolio family clearly likes this page, and I can't say I don't understand why. I like the primary pink color. It's a fun, playful color, and this is a specific shade I don't feel like I see a lot. I'm sure it stands out in Landingfolio's gallery, which means it stands out among webpages as a whole.

  • βœ” All information is laid out very clearly

  • βœ” The color is of a pleasant shade to look at, and somewhat unique

  • Γ— A bit more elaboration or visual flair couldn't hurt

3. Siftnewstherapy

Siftnewstherapy Best Landing Pages 2019

Saved 22 times

Hey, I think I'm experiencing some dΓ©jΓ  vu. Clearly I'm not the only one in love with Siftnewstherapy, because it was one of your top landing pages too! And rightfully so.

Siftnewstherapy's landing page has a masterful design, that blends appealing illustrations and visuals with functional design flawlessly. Apart from the call-to-action not being of a unique color, there's honestly not much I have to critique when it comes to this page.

  • βœ” The illustrations blend into the page's design really well

  • βœ” Information is accessible and easy to digest

  • Γ— The use of two main design colors means you can't use it to highlight important page elements, like calls-to-action.

4. Roger

Roger Best Landing Pages 2019

Saved 21 times

I'm starting to notice a pattern here. The numbers don't lie though: Roger was not only one of the most viewed pages, but also one of the most liked pages in 2019!

I can definitely understand why. Roger is a great example of taking an established design style, and giving it just the right tweaks to stand out. Roger doesn't reΓ―nvent the wheel, but they give it just the polish to make it roll a little bit better.

  • βœ” The background design and use of color create a natural path through the page

  • βœ” The green call-to-action stands out and expresses positivity

  • Γ— While the design is good, it could stand out more

Thank you!

2019 has been an absolutely crazy, but also wonderful year for me and for Landingfolio. To everyone who supported Landingfolio and me in 2019, thank you! And if this blog was your first time here, welcome! Take a seat, have a look around, have some tea, glad to have you over!

I'm super stoked for 2020. I have some really cool things planned for you which I can't wait to share. On top of that, of course I will keep updating Landingfolio with the best landing page designs around so you can continue to get inspired for your next project.

Thanks again, and see you around!